Hello scrappers!
Not much is happening scrapwise around here. I'm working on a book about our Dominican holiday in January and appart from that I just have one or two layouts (I'll show them later).
Today I wanted to share one of those weird guilt moments I have as a Mom. There are many instances where I think I could do better, be more patient, provide more, ... you know. But I had this one kind of funny one.
I was watching Grey's anatomy last week and Meredith and Derek, the main characters (for anyone who doesn't watch) are thinking of adopting a baby. Meredith expresses her doubts and wonders if she's ready for all "mommy" things like preparing meals, and Halloween costumes. Derek cuts her off there and says "the good moms, they make the Halloween costumes". I realized right then that I have bought all of Cédric's costumes so far, and I felt inadequate, like a bad mom... Anyone else having those?
Oh well, at least we've made the effort of dressing up as a family (vampires, devils and pirates so far as hubby has a policy it has to be something scary).
Happy scrapping!